Our project "Development of new technologies of gas processing and production of Block modular equipment on their basis" is global in nature. It can be compared with the production of personal computers, or mass production of cars, when the unique new technologies become available to millions of citizens. In our case, are available for small and medium-sized businesses new technologies of gas and equipment made on their basis. Including processing of gas into transportable products - synthetic oil and synthetic motor fuels (technology GTL), which are now affordable only to large companies. Given that 90% of world gas resources in the medium and small deposits of no interest to big business, the number of potential purchasers of our equipment with payback period of 2-4 years, and of coarse they belong to small and medium sized businesses should be hundreds and thousands. And all countries with gas resources, but remote from the markets of its sales are particularly interested in purchasing our unique transportable complexes .
Using the knowledge and experts of the missile and aircraft ,existing in our city( who 50 years ago ,realized first man flight into outer space and have created and create now unique rockets and jet engines), we have made some progress in developing the technology of preparation and processing of gas. Our technology is ahead of the development of many well known and respected oil and gas companies with a worldwide reputation. The cost of equipment for mass production is reduced by several times. This is understandable when comparing - gas compressor, consisting of dozens of parts, more expensive car class Mercedes, which is made up of several thousand items, at their same weight.
We offer a partner, the holder of finance, to start with us. But not from scratch, but use existing technology we have, and most importantly the experience and experts of the aircraft and rocket engine plants in the Samara region of Russia and the Zaporozhye Region of Ukraine, which are leaders in global aviation and missile engines.
Profits from the joint business will come instantaneously, from development projects for oil and gas companies - projects desulphurization, gas dehydration, the sale of licenses and patents, the implementation produced by our company gas turbine power plants, and in the future from sales of power systems, gas processing complexes in the synthetic oil and synthetic motor fuel.
The main parts (components) of complexes produced commercially in many industrial companies, original parts and assembly systems, we can produce virtually anywhere in the world. Design (Construction) Bureau for further development of technologies we have in the cities of Samara and Kiev.
We hope that our cooperation will occupy a niche in the market of modern power equipment and new clean ecological energy sources.


Tue, 2011/03/08 - 10:18

Would you mind send me your direct contact address cause I propably need it.