Asalam Alaikum Everyone

For some period I have been trying to get investors to become interested in my projects. In this period I have interacted, with entities from diverse backgrounds. I am sharing what I have learned.

If you are seeking investment:

A lot of effort goes into creating a business plan, and other requisites before you get serious investors.
1. If any investor offers to provide funds, you will have to ask for proof of identity and proof of funds. And also you have to provide your own proof of identity and credentials.
2. Sometimes the documents provided could be forged, so you have to figure out someway of authenticating them.

To be continued...

The objective of this forum topic is to standardize all investor-fund seeker interaction.That way both parties can speed up their dealings, with least ammount of risk.

Abu Galib
Trade and Investment promoter.


Knitting is a one time investment - it encourages large production in less time………
NanAziz Fashion Knitwear Factory, highly profitable knitting project is seeking $1M to buy knitting equipment and start production. Our project on pre-start up stage. Funds will be used for factory set up. Production is estimated $1,5 M per month, we will pay back in 36 months from revenue.

First of all i dont need to provide any document at the initial stage, due to the transparency of the world it is very easy to identify fake documents. Eg If someone is willing to deposit the document of his property (House) as a colleteral to help secure a loan, all the loan provider needs to do is to ask for the the registration number of that particular property. Then contact the city council of the said country where the property is situated. The city council will give you all the information you need to know about that property which is the year of registration, name of owner, the address (location)and whether the current owner is updated with his taxs. Once you have obtain the vital information from the council contact the said owner and ask for 1 original copy of his council tax, then do your comparison to clear the doubt. The same goes to Business registration, cars and much more.

Wed, 2010/09/29 - 13:35

No, it is not that easy. Try to do it and you will see.
Case Scenario:

A British citizen says he wants to invest 50 milliom USD. He sends his passport copy and proof of funds , from agricultural bank of china.
If you think you can authenticate these two documents, please let me know, I will be extremely pleased and thankful for your expertise.
Requesting feedback from other members, based on these two documents.


Abu Galib

Thu, 2010/10/07 - 19:06

Due diligence in the case where you are the person seeking funds.

The Investor profile:
1. Proof of Identity.
2. Proof of funds.
3. Third party guarantee for all documents.
4. Availing authentication services from the country of origin, preferably government agencies.

Fri, 2010/10/08 - 17:24

1. Business plan.
2. Master plan.
3. Deed or ownership of land.
4. Executive summary and cash flow analysis.
5. Projected business scenario.
6. Permits and licenses already acquired and all third party agreements in place.
7. Proof of Identity.
8. Proof of funds ranging from 0 to 30 % of project valuation.
9. Independent feasibility report.
10. land valuation done by authorized agency(MAI).
11. Technical and management team profile with poi.
12. Audited accounts for last 1-3 years.