Salam alaikum,

I am looking for an angel investor who could invest in an Islamic business portal we have been developing.This islamic business is based out of USA.The name and the website is WWW.MECCABAY.COM.
The website alhamdullila is a muslim owned website and is developed to cater to the muslim community worldwide.With over 1.8 billion muslims worldwide alhamdullila this is the only website where all the muslims can sell as well as buy from the muslim community.Inshalla we would like to unite every muslim business and every muslim in the world on this website.
This is developed on the lines of or but selling only Halal and muslim products and maily focussing the muslim comminty.With the muslim buying power of $180 billion /year for halal and mulim products we insure you that this would inshalla be a greate investment.Alhamdullila the website is growing and is looking for investments which can be used to further enhance the website and to inshalla let all the muslims know about this website.

Jazak Allah,


Thu, 2011/05/05 - 21:25

This is an amazing website and a great idea already in the works. I agree it could use some help with an investor or two or three to help build it up so it can be a halal ebay but with a warmer atmosphere. It is a site for Muslims by Muslims. We need to unite and help each other and spend on Muslim businesses so we all can grow. Anyone out there who is thinking of investing in a Muslim business this is the one. I am an owner of a Muslim website myself and I am speaking from this perspective. Sister Debbie Al-Harbi