Types of investments in Yemen:.
1 - Investment in oil and gas.
2 - investment in the field of technology.
3 - investment in the management of ports.
4 - Investment in the field of construction.
We through our company, we will carries out all the facilities across the Yemeni government
Though you desire to invest Please send profile companies wishing to invest in the fastest time because there are rival companies are many and after Inquire about these companies in terms of their worth and business that has implemented before we will request to send official paper showing your desire to invest and be delivered to the competent authorities after that the competent authorities will send a response specifying the date of the interview between the company and the Yemeni government.
We have the ability to lay on you without investment company to enter in any competition

Alawi Saleh
General Manager
Future international service company

Contact No. +967735313138 or +967772344477
Email. k_alawi_1111@yahoo.com