Looking for investors interested in a unique island development project. The island is located in the Caribbean. The funds will be use as operating cost all engineering needed to market and sale island lots, and private cabanas. I am looking for $200,000, this could be paid back within 3 to 6 months, or a 5% of sales profit. Project time is expected to last between 2 and 3 years. Here’s a similar island with the same size and model we are using. http://www.jumbybayrealestate.com/service.html I can be reached at 815 356 9775 for specific details. Looking for funding with the next 4 weeks or sooner.
Thank You


Thu, 2009/10/01 - 06:35

I am interested in your project and want you to contact me through this email address below for further discussions: abdulkader.albakri@hotmail.com