Salam u Alakum!!!
My name is Benjamin Omerbasic and I come frome Bosnia and Herzwgowina.
I am a Designer and together with my brother Adnan and father Mohammed want to start our own Manufactory to produce our own Sportcars and tuning or better to say refinement of existing sportcars, to make them better and unique for each Costumer.
We have the Know-How, I have more than 50 Concepts that are ready to start to produce, my brother and father are Qualified Engineers with many years of expirience in the Automotive Industry and some tools we got too, but it is not enough to start proportionately.
We search more than 6 months and nobody give us an answer, so now I try it frome here.
We can guarante everyone who give us the Financial Support we need, we guarantee the REPAYMENT in an duration of 6-8 years depands of the Amount and other details what we will publish the person via Private mail. Ofcourse Eweryone will see each step of our Project too.
We hope someone who read this will contact us, We just want to make our dream come true.
Send us an E-mail on:

May the almighty Allah bless you.
Sallam u Alakum!
Benjamin, Adnan, Muhammed Omerbasic, Bosnia and Herzegowina.


Thu, 2013/04/11 - 10:56

Molim javi da li te jos interesuje ovaj sat posto si iskazaxdcwao interes. Inace imam drugog interesenta.
Hvala na odgovoru