TACVentures, a global private equity and venture capital investment group, invites you to meet with us in Atlanta Georgia, USA. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss, face to face, the full nature of your company and how TACVentures and our Investors Group will be best able to assist you and your company in investing in your business goals.

Please forward, by email, your executive summary and/or business plan for our review. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta and ask that you contact us as early as possible with your expected travel plans you have so that we can coordinate and confirm with you the best for us all.



Thu, 2006/04/27 - 08:26

This sounds very much like a company I have dealt with where they invite you to Atlanta to meet their "group" but instead meet you in a cafe/ bar and attempt to make you spend more money on paying for them to travel to the country where your project is taking place.

Have a search in google for Pan American Advisors and scam