Many visitors to this site have expressed their kind thanks and appreciation of the information presented.
This very kind of encouragement keeps us going and is an incentive to continue enhancing and developing the web site, in order to serve more Muslims around the world.
Here are some examples (names and e-mail addresses have been withheld intentionally, due to privacy and SPAM issues):
- "I must say that your website is a very impressive one and one that, inShaAllah, will provide valuable information for Muslims (and for others who are interested in the Islamic financial sector)." -- Member of several Islamic Financial Institutions Sharia Advisory Boards. U.S.A.
- "Thank you for this ... introduction to this wonderful site. I would certainly like to inform my friends and family of this site if you permit. I will await your kind reply. May Allah (SWT) guide you in this sincere effort and accept your deeds as such. I wish you success" -- Ontario, Canada.
- "I was most impressed with your web site and thought it provided exactly the kind of information that people in this area of the world are craving to know and what people in the rest of the world would be interested to learn." -- Satellite TV Channel in Dubai, U.A.E.
- "I was recently guided to your website. I am very excited about the work you are doing". -- Muslim Stock Broker, Arizona, U.S.A.
- "Congratulation for creating a much needed site for Muslim investors and practitioners of capital markets". -- Muslim Stock Broker, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- "May you be amply rewarded for your efforts" -- Leading Islamic Web Portal, U.S.A.
- "I have checked out your site previously and you must certainly feel proud of your achievements - keep up the good work" -- Leading Islamic Web Portal, Malaysia/U.K.
- "I must say I am impressed" -- London, U.K.
- "We love your site!" -- Islamic Fund Manager, Virginia, U.S.A
- "Congratulation for your good effort. ... thank you ... for your good effort." -- New Zealand
- "For a long time I have been waiting for such a site, and it just is GREAT." -- Dubai, U.A.E.
- "I ... visited the muslim-investor site. My hearty congratulations." -- Mumbai, India
- "I loved (your site). It was the best islamic investment site i have ever come accross. ... Thank you for your help. You are doing a great job." -- London, U.K.
- "I commend you for sharing your knowledge with us and for providing us with many thought-provoking views." -- Via the internet.
- "... learned a lot from (your web site)" -- New Jersey, U.S.A.
- "I liked the Muslim Investor page very much". -- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- "We are quite impressed " -- Kuwait.