Assalam Alaikkum,
Dear Brothers in Islam,
We, at - Matrimonial Service Provider for Muslims around the world, are looking for investors / shareholders / media partners to grow with us.
Online matrimonial websites are having tremendous growth with many folds of income each and every year. The major matching service provider "" do not require introduction from English speaking people, similarly for Muslims, "Nikah" word does not require any introduction for any Muslim in any country, whether they speak Arabic, English, Urdu, Malaysian, Indonesian, Hindi, Farsi. Every Muslim know "Nikah" means what.
In order to take advantage of the word financially, and also at the same time help the ummah to get married and to not to deviate them with dating, friendship websites, we have developed 3 dimensional project, that would benefit the ummah while doing the noble cause and at the same time it would make millionaire to billionaires in shortest time period, due to its demand.
Its not a small project to concentrate one state or country. There will be thousands of Offline centres / call centers / agents / will be working around the world, giving steadily increasing income with much more folds than invested amount - giving the time period of 1 and half years to 2 years, inshaAllah.
Multi-million companies are investing in matrimonial companies in Millions that provide service to only certain region. We do have much more better opportunity. We do not wanted to go to any bank with our project any pay interest to make prohibited income, so we are looking forward business partners / media partners / share holders from around the world.
The total project cost would be USD 20 million approx.
Contact us, only if you are serious to participate.
Jazakum Allah Khair
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sameer (not verified)
investment available
Mon, 2007/09/10 - 09:30we are investors who provides of minimum 5cr and not less
uotp 100 cr. mail me if interested.
N B Robert (not verified)
Investment needed
Tue, 2007/09/18 - 15:11Bismillah
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
My name is Na'ima B. Robert, editor of SISTERS, a glossy Islamic women's magazine which is on its third digital issue, alhamdulillah.
SISTERS is an exciting blend of authentic Islamic knowledge, inspirational true stories and interviews, varied and interesting feature articles, practical advice columns, reviews, food, décor and fashion ideas and a range of reader offers and competitions.
Since the launch of our digital publication in April, we have enjoyed rave reviews from readers and critics alike, masha Allah. We are hoping to launch our first print issue in November, insha Allah, at the Global Peace and Unity event at Excel in London.
This is a long-awaited development, one that will enable us to transfer our unique content and style to a beautiful, glossy magazine and reach more Muslim women across the world bi'idhnillah.
We are looking for investors to finance our first print run and magazine launch (£10,000 or a part thereof). We intend to guarantee the loan with signed insertion orders fro reputable advertisers who have committed to advertise in our launch issue. We are then offering a percentage of the profits of our first issue in addition.
If you would like the opportunity to support a beneficial and much-needed publication dedicated to the upliftment of Muslim women, please email me as soon as possible.
Please only reply if you are sincere and serious.
N. B. Robert