
I am done here

Thanking you


Sat, 2011/02/05 - 01:55

With regards your advert on a business opportunity, I wish to bring to your notice my interest to partner with you on a great business opportunity. I am Mohd. Abdur Rahman from Bangladesh.

Kindly furnish me with full investment strategy and business proposal for my study.

Looking forward to a good working relationship with you.

My regards to your family,

I look forward for your positive reply through my direct email:

Mohd. Abdur Rahman

Thu, 2011/02/10 - 07:29

this guy is dont know who, was abdul rahman that was other man, but last year wrote me, even call, from nigeria, was 100% scammer, so dont reply to this guy. he called, than some his "secretary" send me email that rahman is dead but they still will be interested in my project, but i must send first money. fuck you rahman. or are you jesus who is reborned?